January 10, 2006

I'm at a loss too!

Parent prefers kid dabbling in coke over playing video games - Joystiq
As they state in their story, Joystiq wasn't quite prepared for the logic rendered by Roxanne Richardson, mother, from the UK. Apparently videogames are more henious than cocaine because "At least with pills and coke you're out and about doing something." This logic has me quite at a loss as well!


Anonymous said...

I bet she has a relative in Denver trying to legalize smoking pot. Same campaign slogan...

tammo21 said...

No, jenny resist the call! don't let our crazy family pull you into their political wackiness!

anyway coke isn't bad for you if it's pure. It comes from a plant and is as natural as coffee. And if it was legal, the government could regulate it and set purity standards, thus making the black market disappear. It's win win. People are going to get high one way or the other, and trying to regulate their behavior is only going to make things worse.

Daddoooo said...

I agree, Jake. Not only that, but the legalization of currently illicit drugs would create a revenue stream for the government through its taxation of said drugs. The war on drugs, which costs billions of dollars a year would instead become a way to offset economic liberalism.